Play green. Play Cupro


To protect the environment, we offer sustainability ties made from materials such as Bemberg-Cupro.

Bemberg-Cupro is a pure cellulose fibre processed from cotton linters and added with better properties than cotton using unique technologies.

Bemberg-Cupro prides itself on the delicacy of natural fibres and the functionality of chemical fibres.

In its functionality, it combines the advantages of cotton and silk, and it also perfectly fits and is resistant to creases, an important feature for the ties. Bemberg-Cupro is a regenerated fibre made of cotton lining, a raw material that is pre-consumer waste

Cupro is biodegradable when buried. For example, under summer conditions (temperature 35°C, humidity 80%), the weight of the material is halved in almost two months. The fibre is broken down by living organisms and returned to the soil

At Promo-House, we are aware of the challenges of harmful industry activities, which is why we strive to create a more sustainable and ecological solution throughout the entire production cycle